Statement of Faith


Founded in 1997, Home Education Partnership of Texas, Inc. ministers to homeschool students and their families through a variety of activities. Home Education Partnership of Texas, Inc. supports a Biblical Judeo/Christian worldview.  All families must recognize that our classes and activities are founded on Judeo/Christian principles and agree to support this statement of faith.

We believe that all children should to be taught to love and honor God and to make a difference in the world with their special, God-given abilities. 

We believe it is neither possible nor desirable to separate one's faith from other areas of life and other subjects of study. We believe a strong foundation in core values will help our children grow to be good citizens and great leaders. The teaching and development of Judeo/Christian principles, values and character qualities will be integrated into activities and classes throughout the program.

We also believe that faith and its expression is a matter of personal choice. We do not desire to force anyone to express a faith they do not embrace. Students will be exposed to a Judeo/Christian worldview through their classes.

Although our Statement of Faith is very simple, it is foundational to the values that are interwoven into every aspect of our program, including classes. Instructors, staff, and those in leadership are required to support our Statement of Faith at all times in word and deed while acting as representatives of Home Education Partnership of Texas, Inc.

Participating families are expected to support the Statement of Faith, although it is possible that a parent may not be in agreement with or adhere to these beliefs in his or her personal life. Parents and students are expected to support the Statement of Faith while participating in the program and all activities, including extra-curricular activities, connected with the program.


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